
Social media ennui, and its solution Members Public

Euan Semple perfectly articulates a phase I go through regularly: social media weariness. > Some days I get wearied by it all. The latest tools, the latest memes, the constant updates, the selling, the PR, the self promotion, the cats. I wonder if we’ve lost the plot and the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
euan semple

#RSAcommunity - Zachary Neal and the problem of diverse communities Members Public

[] Liveblogged notes of Zachary Neal []‘s talk on community integration and cohesion at the RSA. In this talk he’s going to focus on micro networks. Are diverse communities possible?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The privacy and publicness problem. Members Public

[] Interesting look at the problems of keeping your personal life hidden away from your online presence []: > Last week, I lunched with different former coworkers (yes, I keep friends from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why Digital Inheritance Matters Members Public

PandoDaily seems to be rapidly becoming the site I disagree with all the time []. It happened again this morning, with a piece arguing that our children won’t want to inherit our digital music collections [] : >

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The anti-social iPad? Members Public

Kristine compares the media environment around iPad subs [] with the theories of the last decade: > It made me wonder how customers feel about the prospect of being co-owned by Hearst and Apple. I understand the  business sense behind that

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How Our Social Networks Change Us Members Public

A fascinating look into the behaviour of social networks (the offline kind) and how they can influence many aspects of your life. Thought-provoking, isn’t it? If we’re only just starting to understand the impact of traditional human relationships, it’ll be a long time before we understand the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Networks and Sociology Members Public

This is worth a viewing: [The Micro-Sociology of Networks]( "The Micro-Sociology of Networks")View more [documents]( from [David Armano](

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#csnf - Managing the Modern Employee Members Public

Robert Johnson, strategic consultant at the Central Office of Information, knew nothing about social networking when he took on the talk. 60s: people told what to do without explanation70s & 80s: more communication and buy-in90s: Corporation as friend, expectation of employees as innovators. Blame-free, supportive culture.We have baby boomers,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth