
News podcasts: profitable and engaging — but have we got the format right? Members Public

New research from the Reuters Institute suggests that publishers are waking up to the opportunity for greater audience engagement through podcasting - but are they taking the right approach?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journalism on Smart Speakers: key findings from the Reuters Institute research Members Public

Nic Newman has dug into the use of smart speakers for news. There's a market there - but how big is it, and how fast will it grow?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
voice interfaces

WhatsApp, mob justice and the desperate need for a strategic response worldwide Members Public

Messaging apps are allowing misinformation to spread faster than ever before, and tactical responses aren't working. We need to address this at a societal level, with research and education.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
social media mobs

Predicting journalism’s 2018 - goodbye platforms, hello AI, and talking with Alexa Members Public

Oh, happy day. Those of us in the online journalism development business get an annual present a little later than Christmas. January is when Nic Newman’s annual Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions report hits. Today’s the day. I haven’t had the time to dive into

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Quartz unleashes the bots — as a journo's assistant Members Public

There’s been a lot of focus on bots — chat bots in particular — as news delivery vehicles. How about using them as news? Well, Quartz has something rather lovely coming for you [] : > At the Online News Association conference next month, Quartz plans

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Slaying the myth of the digital native Members Public

Nature [] takes aim at the prevaling “wisdom” that the younger generation are more digitally adept: > But a paper published last month in Teaching and Teacher Education reaches the opposite conclusion. The digital native is a myth, it claims: a yeti with a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital culture

What Makes A Troll A Troll? Members Public

Research shows that two factors predict trolling behavior.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Fighting trolling with academic rigour Members Public

Trolling – hostile, provocative anti-social behaviour – is one of the biggest challenges to any large-scale online community – and that includes comment sections on mainstream publications. The problem is far, far bigger in the online gaming world, though. And one of the biggest games in the eSports sector – League of Legends [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth