search engines

Social is a search strategy Members Public

Mashable [] : > “Sixteen months ago we received the same number of monthly referrals from search as social. Now 40% of traffic comes from social media,” Scott Havens, senior vice president of finance and digital operations at The Atlantic Media Company, said in a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
search engines

Brace yourselves for Social Media Optimisation Members Public

This post by Sarah Marshal from the Guardian Changing Media Summit [] makes interesting reading in conjunction with my post yesterday [] : > Six months ago months ago Google

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Google targets SEO over-optimisation - so just write good stuff Members Public

I’ve long been suspicious of SEO. Oh, I do think it’s valuable: there are basic “hygiene factors” on your page markup you should be getting right, and really good SEOs can help you think about the sort of content you should be creating (and how you should create

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The inevitable happened: Google+ in search Members Public

Google has integrated information from your Google+ Circles into search.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Google+ Circle counts arrive in search results Members Public

Google is starting to show authors' Circle count in search, as a mark of authority.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Google Goes Instant. Death of SEO Predicted (Again) Members Public

So. Google Instant Search. My instant reaction was “gimmick”. After a bit of a play reached I reached the dizzy heights of “entertaining gimmick”. This [post by Steve Rubel]( has me thinking, though:> Here’s what this means: no two people will see the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Agenda: Monday Members Public

I had a delightfully online-free day yesterday, doing some very old school things like putting actually, physical photographic prints into a photo album. (I know, I know, so very retro…) Bit of a hectic day ahead: discussion about making sure our blogs are properly tagged for our vertical search engine

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
community care

Google Thinks Chips Beat Towns Members Public

Further proof, should proof be needed, that the internet won’t be truly useful until the tech sector’s dominance of online publishing comes to an end: Penryn the town is being displaced by Penryn the computer chip [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth