search engines

How To Win At Google Members Public

Surreal SEO moment of the day [] .

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Telegraph to Shut Out Google? Members Public

Is the Telegraph thinking of blocking Google from seeing its news []? What a *really *terrible idea.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Blogher: linking and talking to bloggers Members Public

What did she have to say? A lot of the usual stuff, but it was nice to hear it confirmed from the horse’s mouth, as it where. For example, she made the point that having a blog for your website will drive more links to your site from other

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 3: Selling Online Members Public

Another panel, this time about selling online. (Transactions! Hurrah!) There was some discussion of allowing users to create their own products, through a community of creativity using an online service to create and sell their work. This is the Cafe Press model. Google’s domination of traffic can be broken,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 3: Is there a Web 2.0 bubble? Members Public

Here comes the VCs… Is there a web bubble? It seems not, but there are some issues to be resolved. For example, is the available talent split amongst too many small start-ups? Would some mergers pull more talent together? The lack of a market bubble may be attributable to Sarbanes-Oxley,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web 3: Does Size Matter? Members Public

Post-coffee, we’ve got a panel of people from the big online players discussing whether size matters in this market. We’ve had a chap from Microsoft admitting that they need to be more agile, and that the Live series of products is an answer to that. The majority of

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth