social media marketing
Five influencers influencing… Paid Members Public
On the fifth day of Christmas, my social media agency sent to me…
Event organisers hijack attendees Twitter accounts Paid Members Public
[] Mashable reports on a complete abuse of New York Comic Con attendees’ Twitter accounts [] : > Fans, celebrities and press attending New York Comic Con on Thursday sent out
The short-lived triumph of social media noise Paid Members Public
Stephanie Booth []: > I recently realised that I need to distance myself a little from this social media pigeonhole I’m in — not that I’m going to stop doing what I’ve done until now, not at all, but I find
Whither conversation? (1) Paid Members Public
[] This image has been lurking in my in-box for a couple of weeks now. It’s from a press release from Thomas Cook celebrating the launch of their Social Media Listening Lab.
#b2bhuddle : Kimberley Brind Paid Members Public
[] Liveblogging: errors, grammar mistakes and odd sentence structure likely… **Kimberley Brind, global marketing executive and social strategist, Oracle** ** **She’s going to talk about a controversial topic: ROI. Most people just roll their eyes at it.
Beyond Parody Paid Members Public
The social media marketing industry has finally passed beyond parody. From an e-mail that arrived earlier: Wow. A whole seminar on using six seconds of looping shaky video in your marketing. Knock yourselves out…

Google+ Pages: the other +shoe drops Paid Members Public
Google+ launches its Pages product for marketing on the service.
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