Social Media

Posts about social media platforms, how to use them and techniques for getting the best results.

#b2bhuddle : Kimberley Brind Members Public

[] Liveblogging: errors, grammar mistakes and odd sentence structure likely… **Kimberley Brind, global marketing executive and social strategist, Oracle** ** **She’s going to talk about a controversial topic: ROI. Most people just roll their eyes at it.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#b2bhuddle: Allan Schoenberg Members Public

[] Liveblogging: errors, grammar mistakes and odd sentence structure likely… Allan Schoenberg, executive director, corporate communications, CME Group The CME Group [] was founded in 1848, and runs five financial exchanges around the world.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
content marketing

Beyond Parody Members Public

The social media marketing industry has finally passed beyond parody. From an e-mail that arrived earlier: Wow. A whole seminar on using six seconds of looping shaky video in your marketing. Knock yourselves out…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

The privacy and publicness problem. Members Public

[] Interesting look at the problems of keeping your personal life hidden away from your online presence []: > Last week, I lunched with different former coworkers (yes, I keep friends from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Twitter can't replace RSS Members Public

Laura Hazard Owen, writing for Paid Content, identifies why the “social media has killed RSS” idea doesn’t apply [] to many of us: > The best thing about Google Reader, from my point of view, is that it allows me to scan a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
feed readers

How should journalists use social media? (a hangout) Members Public

When journalists use social media, should they blur professional and personal lines? My Interactive Journalism students [] at City University setup a Google+ Hangout (with some shepherding from Judith Townend []) to discuss the issue [] , and I

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
City St George’s

Presidential social media Members Public

Something I wrote about the uses of social media in modern political campaigning [] a few months back.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Dissing engagement Members Public

Mark Schaefer provides more ammo to support my contention that engagement is becoming an empty word [] by pointing out that engagement is not a strategy [] : > I do believe it is possible to

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth