Social Media
Posts about social media platforms, how to use them and techniques for getting the best results.
#b2bhuddle : Kimberley Brind Paid Members Public
[] Liveblogging: errors, grammar mistakes and odd sentence structure likely… **Kimberley Brind, global marketing executive and social strategist, Oracle** ** **She’s going to talk about a controversial topic: ROI. Most people just roll their eyes at it.
#b2bhuddle: Allan Schoenberg Paid Members Public
[] Liveblogging: errors, grammar mistakes and odd sentence structure likely… Allan Schoenberg, executive director, corporate communications, CME Group The CME Group [] was founded in 1848, and runs five financial exchanges around the world.
Beyond Parody Paid Members Public
The social media marketing industry has finally passed beyond parody. From an e-mail that arrived earlier: Wow. A whole seminar on using six seconds of looping shaky video in your marketing. Knock yourselves out…
The privacy and publicness problem. Paid Members Public
[] Interesting look at the problems of keeping your personal life hidden away from your online presence []: > Last week, I lunched with different former coworkers (yes, I keep friends from
Twitter can't replace RSS Paid Members Public
Laura Hazard Owen, writing for Paid Content, identifies why the “social media has killed RSS” idea doesn’t apply [] to many of us: > The best thing about Google Reader, from my point of view, is that it allows me to scan a
How should journalists use social media? (a hangout) Paid Members Public
When journalists use social media, should they blur professional and personal lines? My Interactive Journalism students [] at City University setup a Google+ Hangout (with some shepherding from Judith Townend []) to discuss the issue [] , and I
Presidential social media Paid Members Public
Something I wrote about the uses of social media in modern political campaigning [] a few months back.
Dissing engagement Paid Members Public
Mark Schaefer provides more ammo to support my contention that engagement is becoming an empty word [] by pointing out that engagement is not a strategy [] : > I do believe it is possible to
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