
Why your website is ugly Members Public

Duncan Arthur []: > We’ve seen traditional publishers we applaud for beautifully designed print publications throw out their own rulebook for their web-based versions. High-end design, it seems, has been viewed as incompatible with amassing the glut of page views and ad impressions,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The new tech tabloids Members Public

Harry Marks on the high-profile, high traffic technology blogs []: > Business Insider, CNet, ZDNet, eWeek, Gizmodo, and the rest (there really are too many to name) aren’t news organizations, they’re the online equivalents of 24-hour cable news noise networks

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Skype: what is this strange human concept of "conversation"? Members Public

Andrew Grill, talking about Skype’s plans for in-call advertising [] : > “highlight unique and local brand experiences”- what?? Humans don’t speak like this to to other humans.  This is ad speak. There is a clear phenomenon where people get so embedded in

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Saturday Night's fine for content Members Public

So, Saturday night. Like the party animal I am, I’m sat around the house perusing the interwebs. I know how to live. But while I was happily browsing away, I happened across a video on the site of a Like Minds acquaintance []

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Apple advertising, 30 years ago Members Public

Talking of Apple, I made a fun discovery on the way home from Like Minds last week. I stopped off at my mother-in-law’s, and helped her sort through some old family stuff. Amongst the various bits of memorabilia were these two souvenir magazines from 1981: [![1981 Royal Wedding mags]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

About your advertising-led business model... Members Public

[![Safari Extension Gallery](]( So, I wondered over to the [Safari Extensions Gallery]( to grab the [new Evernote

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Here's to the crazy ones... Members Public

An unaired version of the Think Different [] Apple advert, narrated by Steve Jobs [![Enhanced by Zemanta](]( "Enhanced by Zemanta")

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#next11 #media - New metrics for a new media age Members Public

Warning: Liveblogging. Here be inaccuracy, errors and typos Pablo Metz [] How similar are the Union Flag and the Tricolore? Both flags… Bike and a ball? Not very. Expcept, they’re both things people buy for their kids. This is the problem data has right now. Measurable

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth