content strategy
Saturday Night's fine for content Paid Members Public
So, Saturday night. Like the party animal I am, I’m sat around the house perusing the interwebs. I know how to live. But while I was happily browsing away, I happened across a video on the site of a Like Minds acquaintance []
Why niche content works online Paid Members Public
Joanna Pieters, writing about meeting the readers of a specialist magazine [] for the first time: > In a flash, it all made sense. These men were experts. They knew buses and lorries intimately. They got a huge kick out of using their knowledge to build
Attention Attrition Paid Members Public
Don Brown []: > Publishers do have lots of content, but a) there are lots of publishers (including online-only ones who have never put ink on paper in their lives) and b) there are lots of websites built purely to be packed with

Content Strategy, Like Lightning... Paid Members Public
Simon Land – Magus [] (sponsor) They want to help us manage the quality of content. Over half of websites have four plus errors per page. State of the art CMOS? You can’t lock everything down. The Magus approach is to patrol your live content
Content is your platform, built for channel neutrality Paid Members Public
Peter Buckley of Dorling Kindersley [] appears to have his head screwed on straight: > Flat content. That assumption that “something else will come along” is also driving what Buckley calls the “flat” content model: that is, content is increasingly conceived and created with
The Paywall secret people don't like Paid Members Public
Interesting look at paywalls this morning [] from Frédéric Filloux on Monday Note. He analyses the reasons for the successes of the Financial Times and New York Times “progressive paywalls”, and makes some good observations about what it takes to make these sorts
Afternoon Coffee Reading: 13/12/11 Paid Members Public
[] Some delicious, cream-filled linky goodness to while away the rest of the afternoon: - [Driving by looking in the rear view mirror]( – an interesting cautionary
Afternoon Coffee Reading: The Return Paid Members Public
[] I’m back at work, and Afternoon Coffee Reading is back on this blog. I was taken to task by a colleague the other day, who had apparently found them good readin’, but who didn’t find