This is not a Rant Paid Members Public
I have one of those long, ranty blog posts building in me right now.This isn’t it. But if you want to know what it might be about, there are two things you should know:1. With the news that NetNewsWire, my RSS reader of choice, is [now syncing
The Problem with an iTunes for News Paid Members Public
There’s an interesting paragraph in Cory Doctorow’s review [] of Chris Anderson’s new book Free [
News Matters Paid Members Public
[] *Cover of a Media Standards Trust brochure*
Archiving the Product of the Real Time Web Paid Members Public
Mr Scoble gives us an insight into the future relationship between the real time web and blogging [] : > One thing is that knowledge is suffering over there. See, here, it is easy to find old blogs. Just go to Google and search. What
What Will Media Look Like in Digital Britain? Paid Members Public
Ah, the fuss around Digital Britain is growing, isn’t it? And I don’t just mean the report – I mean how Britain looks in a digital future. Events like a judge giving The Times approval to reveal the identity of an anonymous police blogger [
Is Swine Flu Coverage in Balance? Paid Members Public
What’s the ratio of press coverage to deaths for swine flu? I love this because (a) it’s a really good example of how to do a feature visually and (b) because it shows you how massively distorting our current news values can be.[via [O’Reilly Radar](http:
Spotting News on Twitter Paid Members Public
Fascinating. [Twitterfall](, a web application which tracks rising trends on Twitter, on the big screens in the Telegraph’s newsroom: [![Thumbnail image for Twitterfall on The Telegraph's Screen](](http:
Some Good Reading About The Future of News Paid Members Public
Good stuff I’ve read recently, haven’t linked to yet, but don’t have much to add to right now: * The Nichepaper Manifesto [] – an articulate and well argued guide to how niche publishing might looks going forwards. * Media