open web

A blue butterfly escapes the flames of a burning platform

The Bluesky explosion and the Substack trap Members Public

The Twitter offshoot is edging towards becoming an X replacement — and two old school web thinkers critique Substack

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
The link controllers really don’t want you tainting their sites with your dirty “links”.

The link controllers aren’t dead — yet Members Public

In the year of our Lord 2024, some websites are still trying to control who links to them.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
open web

Who's afraid of the small, average Apple News+? Members Public

A storm in a teacup around changes coming to Apple's news app, some thoughts on Reels, and a toxicity round-up. Happy Monday!

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
social & digital lunchbreak

The first Engaged Reading Digest of 2020 Members Public

Some great links to start your year.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
engaged reading digest

Tumblr has transformed into a brand-safe zombie of its former self Members Public

An interview with a Verizon suit makes it clear that Tumblr is a hollow shell of what it once was. What does this say for the experimentation the web once offered?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

It's 2019, and you still need to own your content Members Public

Beware the roach motels of the platforms - if content is your business, you still need to own and publish it yourself.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Recency is killing the web - and we'll all lose if that happens Members Public

Our obsession with organising everything around the latest content may be destroying the greatest value the web holds.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The creator of the World Wide Web is fighting to reclaim it from the Duopoly Members Public

When the creator of the World Wide Web is fighting to change how it operates, you know we’ve got a big problem. But what role did journalism play in this?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
tim berners lee