social networking

Teenagers and tech: look at the trends, not the tools? Members Public

Mathew Ingram responds to Farhad Manjoo on how telling teenagers’ use of tech is [] : > […] teens and twenty-somethings are good predictors of technology’s future, even if the services or apps or hardware they prefer at a specific point in time don’t

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Google+ circles Flipboard - and other news Members Public

Bradley Horowitz tells LeWeb London about where Google+ is going next…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Like Minds Exeter 2012 Liveblogs - day two Members Public

Links to my liveblogs of day two of Like Minds Exeter 2012 ## Morning- [John Rosling: is the chief executive the chief entrepreneur]( – an inspiring talk on being an inspring leader (and how to lead rather than manage) - [Rajeeb Dey: the path to entrepreneurship]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

The sad and dolorous fate of "engagement" Members Public

The word "engagement" has been hollowed out by the social media gurus who have no concept of its sophistication.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Le Web: LinkedIn gets down to business Members Public

[] How is life after the LinkedIn IPO? Exciting, loads of new faces and very little turnover, suggestsAllen Blue [], Co-Founder & Vice President of Product Management, LinkedIn. [] But

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
allen blue

Google plus Google+ equals...? Members Public

Google has launched a new social network - and it doesn't look promising.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Eventful Members Public

[] An interesting evening at a launch event for something that I’ve been asked not to blog about until Monday.So, I’ll just post this picture and be a complete tease… 😉

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth