
Tumblr has transformed into a brand-safe zombie of its former self Members Public

An interview with a Verizon suit makes it clear that Tumblr is a hollow shell of what it once was. What does this say for the experimentation the web once offered?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Teaching a teenager about social media Members Public

Apparently a student on work experience at The Telegraph [http://tmgacademy.weebly.com/jashana.html] enjoyed my training: > One of the highlights during my week here, was getting the chance to attend a course with Adam Tinworth , a lecturer and journalist, called ‘Writing for the Web’. This course was

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

Are you ready for your corporate approved social interaction experience? Members Public

Cliff Watson [https://medium.com/understandings-epiphanies/aae8d5f880cc]: > You see, we’ve come to define “social” in unintentional Orwellian double-speak. “Social” has come to mean the exact opposite of what it’s meant for centuries. Instead of actual interaction and communication, we define “social” as once- or twice-removed ego validation

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Teenagers and tech: look at the trends, not the tools? Members Public

Mathew Ingram responds to Farhad Manjoo on how telling teenagers’ use of tech is [http://gigaom.com/2013/11/18/why-the-youth-market-matters-for-snapchat-and-facebook-despite-what-the-wsj-thinks/] : > […] teens and twenty-somethings are good predictors of technology’s future, even if the services or apps or hardware they prefer at a specific point in time don’t

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Teenagers: not, in fact, natural futurologists Members Public

Do we put too much faith in the idea that teenagers are a good predictor of technology trends [http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303559504579202623459037550?mod=WSJ_hp_EditorsPicks] ? > Yet the vast majority of your most-used things weren’t initially popular among teens. The iPhone, the iPad, the iPod,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
tech adoption

Le Web: danah boyd on Social Network Visibility Members Public

![danah boyd at Le Web](http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/assets_c/2009/12/danah boyd at Le Web-thumb-250x374-1521.jpg) [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2009/12/danah-boyd-at-Le-Web.jpg] Your experience of the social web is not the same as everyone else’s. Your experience of the web is shaped

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

21st Century Work Experience for Aspiring Journos Members Public

I hope you’ll excuse me another link to the Estates Gazette Focus team’s blog (I used to be part of that team, and I have a huge soft spot for them), but I’m just loving that they’ve been allowing their work experience teenager to blog for

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
estates gazette

Le Web 3: danah boyd on Youth Culture Members Public

danah boyd gave a break-neck pace presentation of youth culture and its interaction with MySpace earlier. I couldn’t blog it at the time, because I’d lost all connection to my blog server, but all seems well again. It gives some idea of the importance she places on MySpace’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
danah boyd