digital strategy
The Guardian squandered its institutional knowledge of podcasts Paid Members Public
Over a decade ago, The Guardian was a genuine innovator, launching a daily news podcast. It's revisiting that idea in 2018 - seemingly unaware that they've done it before.

Süddeutsche Zeitung: selling the agile paywall with the right content Paid Members Public
Another set of liveblogged notes from Digital Media Europe 2017. Typos, inaccuracy and howling crimes against grammar and syntax probable. Stefan Plöchinger, Digital Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Editor in-Chief, Who are Süddeutsche Zeitung []? They are the paper that got the Panama Papers [http://panamapapers.

Ekstra Bladet plans for Freemium 2.0 Paid Members Public
Another set of liveblogged notes from Digital Media Europe 2017. Typos, inaccuracy and howling crimes against grammar and syntax probable. Lisbeth Langwadt, Head of Paid Content, Ekstra Bladet – EKSTRA & Print Secrets to digital innovation… 1. You have to reorganise They used to have two silos at Ekstra Bladet [http:

The new original sin of online publishing Paid Members Public
John Battelle thinks we actually figured out online publishing a decade ago – and then we screwed it up. How? We handed power to the social networks []: > Again, for emphasis: despite all the whizzy bang-y social media we’ve invented these past ten years,

Quartz passes FT & Economist in unique visitors Paid Members Public
Quartz continues to power ahead [] > In an internal memo that Fortune managed to get hold of, publisher Jay Lauf said the site’s traffic rose by 65% in December to almost 17 million unique visitors, more than The Economist or the Financial
Explainer journalism and digital transformation Paid Members Public
[] You might have noted a lack of long form stuff on here in recent weeks. That’s partially because it’s marking season and I’m very busy right now, and partially because I’ve actually been publishing some