
Hackers harvesting Instagram accounts Members Public

This month has seen a spate of connected Instagram account hacking - with no clear objective. Why?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Instagram has birthed a clichéd "authentic" visual style all its own Members Public

The Guardian recently published an astonishingly predictable rant about Instagram [] from Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett. The young fogey “oh, social media is ruining the world” tone of this article is almost unbearable. Dig through it, though, and there’s some potentially interesting

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Instagram effect on real estate Members Public

Instagram may be having a more profound effect on our culture than we think. First, people started creating dishes just for Instagram. And now? > Now some entrepreneurs are taking the idea a step further, designing their physical spaces in the hopes of inspiring the maximum number of photos. They’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Let's mock Instagram influencers a bit more, shall we? Members Public

Instagram seems to be the focus of a lot of criticism right now: We seem to have fallen a long way from the ideals of transparency and authenticity that characterised the early social web, don’t we?[via PetaPixel [] ]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Life in the Instagram engagement farming mines Members Public

Here’s a look at life inside the Instagram “influencer” bubble [] — and it’s not pretty: > Unfortunately most of these brands and companies are clueless about the fact that some of these numbers they look at are incredibly inflated by the tricks and shenanigans we

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Instagram's key feature: search Members Public

The Buffer blog has published a really useful post looking at how to make the most of Instagram, by using its search function [] . One particular piece of advice often missed comes from photographer Allen Harper: > Some hashtags are vastly more popular than others; however,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Instagram Stories: account growth AND site traffic…? Members Public

Interesting piece in Digiday from a few months back, talking about how Vogue has been using Instagram Stories to drive follower growth [] to its Instagram account: > The fashion brand’s U.K. account has doubled to 2 million followers in the last year, thanks

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
conde nast

Instagram gets multiple image posts Members Public

As trailed a while back, Instagram has now added the ability to upload multiple images or videos [] to a single post: It’s an interesting move, as it shifts the service even further from her it started. In the beginning it was an

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth