
Time(s) for the weekend papers... Members Public

[] Time for a little Times update, as it were. The last time we spoke about it [] , I was considering dumping either my Times online

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Two Direction Era of Publishing Members Public

I couldn’t help but chuckle, as two stories came to my attention in a very short period of time: - [Telegraph Plans to Charge for Online Content [£]]( – The *FT* reports that *The Telegraph* is contemplating some sort of paywall, next

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Paywalls and the problem of competition Members Public

Clay Shirky has brought forth another long piece on the economics of the paywall business [] that’s worth a read. I’d just like to highlight a single sentence, though, as I think it’s a point that’s missed far too

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Paywall Quote of the Day Members Public

George Brock []: > A prediction: in a year or two, paywall knowledge and software will have advanced so far that we will look back to this point and marvel that anything as crude as a fixed-price, 100% paywall was even thought of.Indeed.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

On those Times paywall numbers Members Public

I am surprised by the amount of positive reaction that’s going around to the news that The Times has around 105,000 paying online customers of various stripes. (Full break-down of the numbers.) Partially I’m surprised, because nobody seems to be comparing acquisition cost to revenue, as well

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#likeminds - Guy Clapperton Shows Us The Money Members Public

[![Guy Clapperton](]( [Guy Clapperton](, author of [This is Social Media: Tweet, Blog, Link and Post

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
business models

Low tech solutions to paywall problems Members Public

I confess: for all my “meh” about paywalls, I currently have paid access to The Times’ new websites. There are a couple of bloggers I actively miss, and think *might *be worth the money. Yesterday, I spotted this on Ruth Gledhill’s blog [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
news international

Good News/Bad News from KPMG Members Public

The Bad: > KPMG has found that 81% of UK “would go elsewhere for content [] if a previously free site we use frequently began charging”. Only 19% would be willing to pay in the UK, while globally (the same research looked at

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
activity streams