
A View From Outside Our Bubble Members Public

Byrne Reese []: > People pay for a magazine or newspaper because they prefer the experience of holding the paper in their hands over that of reading it online. They pay for all of the abilities that only a physical medium provides: the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Pre-Pub Reading Members Public

Because I can’t justify calling it morning or afternoon coffee reading at this time of day… Two from [The Telegraph]( "The Daily Telegraph") worth your time:1. [Did AOL squander its investment in Bebo](

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Those Paywalls That Work... Members Public

37signals on the [] Wall Street Journal [] and the [] Financial Times [] : > The easiest way to get people to pay you money is when they think they’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
financial times

Paywalls: The Experiment Begins in June Members Public

So, The Times and Sunday Times will be behind a paywall from June [] . The theoretical arguments between the “link economy and conversation brings value” and the “content is valuable and must be paid for” camps have been iterated and reiterated to death in recent

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Weekend Coffee Reading Members Public

When it’s too cold and wet to go out for the Sunday paper, just follow the links:- [The truth does not lie midway between right and wrong]( – Suw deconstructs one of the persistent myths of ‘balanced’ journalism - [Second Life’s

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Afternoon Tea Reading 12th Jan 2010 Members Public

The renaming just for Martin (blog [], twitter []) who asked if I ever drank tea… - [News International starting to block paid-for aggregators from crawling its sites]( The paywall cometh… - [Which Flip should

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Morning Coffee Reading - 6th Jan 2010 Members Public

These are the perfect complement to your reflective caffeine moment today: - [Life as a modern journalist]( (and why it’s like a box of wine) - [How to sound like a moron when talking about social media](http://www.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Time to Kick the Controversy Habit Members Public

At a meeting this morning, I told a prospective newbie blogger that intentional controversy was often a massively over-rated virtue. In the light of this, I couldn’t help but find myself nodding vigorously in agreement with this piece by Umair Haque [

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth