Adam Tinworth

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.

The four things that define a good newsletter Members Public

Illustrated by explaining just how crap my own newsletter is.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Why audience strategy is vital for any publisher Members Public

Does SEO matter? Why should we have a social strategy? What's this fuss about newsletters? Inquire within on all these questions…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience development

Five articles you need to read this morning Members Public

Because procrastination and coffee are what the morning is made for,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Digital News Report 2021: a good crisis for the media? Members Public

Four European journalists discuss the findings of the latest edition of the annual research into news, and how it compares with their own titles' pandemic experiences.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital news report

The big shift in SEO Members Public

Search has changed more in the last few years than in the previous decade. It's time to shift your thinking.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

A feast of audience engagement reading Members Public

Now just watch me justify that headline in the first par…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
audience engagement

Apple closes down open rate tracking Members Public

Apple is taking aim at one of the key newsletter metrics with software updates coming this autumn.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

An engaged newsletter audience is better than a big one Members Public

Newsletters are a great way of reaching readers — but they're granting your access to their in-boxes. Don't abuse that.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth